We Accept Bitcoin at Psynaptic Media

We currently accept bitcoin payments on the PsyShop and Members Site! Bitcoins are the digital currency of the Internet, and we proudly accept bitcoins as payment for all products, which including custom video intros, wallpaper artwork, Psynaps Super Stream System, and Members Website.
To Purchase with Bitcoin
1.) Select “Bitcoin Payment” at checkout.
2.) Payment info is shown
3.) Use your favorite Bitcoin wallet to send payment to the address shown. When the payment has been confirmed on the blockchian (4-6 confirmations), the order will be accepted! Let Psynaps know if you have any questions.
We Accept Ethereum
Contact Psynaps here if you would like to purchase with Ethereum.
How Long do Bitcoin Payments Take?
After submitting the bitcoin payment, it must be confirmed on the blockchian (4-6 confirmations) before the bitcoin is accepted. It typically takes a few minutes to confirm. Check your email (from @psynapticmedia.com or @psyfx.com) for updates. Once the payment is confirmed, your order will be available for download. If the order is custom artwork, the order will be sent to Psynaps to begin work.
What is the Best Bitcoin Wallet?
The best bitcoin wallet to use is “Electrum”. It is easy to use, secure, and 100% compatible with the PsyShop.
Where Do I Get Bitcoins?
In the US, you can buy them directly from CoinBase.
What Can I Buy with Bitcoin?
Go to the PsyShop!
Support the Psynaps Stream and Psynaptic Media Content Creation
Tips and Donations fund the servers for content creation and delivery, servers for web and live streams, and the care and maintenance of Psynaps’s beard.
Bitcoin (BTC): 18y12dd4EmCccGY6n8yi8Vdno1d3wYvWKP
Ethereum (ETH): 0xE72130c1D2A1487AAfC2b6E790101289b4Fee166